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Pentecost Sunday - Year A

Przesłane : May-21-2023

Today we have gathered together to celebrate the liberation that is Pentecost.  Luke, in today’s first reading (Acts 2:1-11) speaks of the Spirit in terms of “tongues, as of fire”, and of “a noise, like a strong driving wind”.  He describes a boldness in the disciples, where once there had been only fear; he speaks in terms of understanding among people of different cultures and backgrounds where once there had been a divisive confusion.  He tells of an openness and a universal outreach where once there had been a parochial exclusivity.

In today’s 2nd reading (1 Cor. 12:3-7,12-13) Paul describes the Spirit as one who enables and expresses our prayer, as one who equips us and encourages us with charisms and as the one in whom all of our diversities find their unity and complementarities.  John, in today’s gospel, reminds us that the Spirit is indeed breathed upon and into each of us with the ability to share these gifts of peace and forgiveness with one another and the world.

David Watson has suggested that we think of the Holy Spirit as the early Christian mystics did – as God’s kiss – and that we understand that, in coming together for worship today, we have, in effect, come to kiss and be kissed by God.  Remarkably, the word most commonly translated as “worship” in Christian Scriptures means to bow or to prostrate oneself and it is derived from a root meaning “to kiss”.  As John R. McRay has explained, this special word references the practice of bowing to kiss the hand or foot of the one to whom homage is paid.  The idea of emotional and spiritual emptiness in the presence of the Holy, lies at the heart of the experience of worship.  Keeping in mind this special derivation of the scriptural term for worship, we might say that we have come together on this feast of Pentecost emotionally and spiritually empty and eager to be filled with the presence and power of the Spirit.  We have come to bow down in homage, i.e., to kiss the hand of the One who guides us, protects us, feeds us and fuels us for service.


First Communion

Congratulates to the 8 youth of our parish that had their first communion at last weekend’s mass.

"May you always know the peace of Jesus, the light of His love, and the joy of His life within you."

ShareLife-funded agencies turn no one away

Did you know that no one is turned away from ShareLife-funded agencies due to inability to pay?  This is all thanks to your generosity to our annual appeal. It is through your support that ShareLife agencies are able to help the most vulnerable in our community and around the world.

Please give at the parish using a ShareLife envelope, online through our parish website, or at



"Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love." Send forth workers into your vineyard.

If God is calling you his vineyard call for you, contact Fr. Matthew McCarthy at 416-968-0997. or visit