
1st Sunday Advent - Year B

已发布 : Dec-03-2023

Advent places before us three challenges: watch, wait, pray.  The readings of this first Sunday of the new liturgical year underline them.  “Stay awake”, counsels Jesus in today’s gospel (Mk.13:33-37), “Come quickly”, prays Prophet Isaiah in the 1st reading (Is. 63:16b-17, 64:1,3-8). “You lack no spiritual gift as you wait”, Paul reminds us in the second reading (1Cor 1:3-9).

To affirm the importance of our responsibilities of watching, waiting and praying, the following story from the ancient sagas of the Cherokee people may prove helpful.

When the plants and trees were first created, the Great Mystery gave a gift to each species, but set up a contest to determine which gift would be most useful to whom.  “I want you to stay awake and keep watch over the earth for seven nights”, said the Great Mystery.  The young trees and plants were so excited to be entrusted with such an important role that they did not find it difficult to stay awake the first night.  However, the second night was not so easy and a little while before dawn , a few fell asleep.  On the third night, the trees and plants whispered among themselves in the wind to try to keep from nodding off, but the challenge was too much for them.  On the fourth night, even more fell asleep.

By the time the seventh night came, only the cedar, the pine, the spruce, the fir, the laurel and the holly were still awake.  “What wonderful endurance you have”, exclaimed the Great Mystery.  “You shall be given the gift of remaining green forever.  You will be the guardians of the forest.  Even in the seeming dead of winter, your brother and sister creatures will find life and shelter in the protection of your branches”.  Ever since that time, all the other trees and plants lose their leaves and sleep all winter while the evergreens stay awake.

This tale departs from the usual and customary Advent symbols of light and darkness to speak of greenness in the midst of barrenness and associates this greenness with the ability to remain watchful, alert and awake.  Remaining green means remaining aware of our life-giving connection to divine realities even amidst evil forces.