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Trinity Sunday - Year A

已发布 : May-21-2023

The last few Sundays we were focusing on divine gifts.  The first gift we reflected on was Jesus’ promise that he would be  with us always.  The second gift was the gift of an agenda which Jesus gave us on the day of his Ascension: “Be my witnesses throughout the world”.  The third gift was the gift of the Spirit which the disciples received on the 50th day after Jesus’ resurrection, namely the day of Pentecost which we commemorated last Sunday.  And this Sunday we gratefully remember the gift of Relationship when we celebrate the feast of the Holy Trinity.

It is relationships that help us grow into a full fledged person.  The BBC once shared the story of a 9-year-old boy who had been kept isolated in a small garden shed since the age of two.  The boy was an illegitimate child whom his mother found burdensome and a source of shame.  He was discovered when a 10-year-old named Ethan was visiting his aunt who lived in the London suburb of Wimbledon.  Though the boy was rescued by police and given special care, his back was so deformed that he never walked upright.  Completely deprived of those relationships that lend a sense of self, offer security and create personality, the boy never regained his full human stature, either physically or emotionally.

Just as relationships are necessary for healthy human growth and development, so are relationships necessary for holy spiritual growth and development.  Without human contact the boy in the shed deteriorated.  He didn’t learn, he could not love.  He did not realize his full God-given potential because he had no one to affirm and guide his growth.  While we all join voices in decrying the cruelty and selfishness that would allow the loss of one of the most helpless members of society, the same indignation should be aroused by the loss of one’s spiritual potential and growth.  What we celebrate today as Trinity Sunday is the gift of God choosing to become known to us by offering each of us a share in the relationship that constitutes the three persons in one God.  Without a willingness to share in the relationships that are God, we could become like the boy in the garden shed, alone, unfulfilled and spiritually stunted.


First Communion

Congratulates to the 8 youth of our parish that had their first communion at last weekend’s mass.

"May you always know the peace of Jesus, the light of His love, and the joy of His life within you."

ShareLife-funded agencies turn no one away

Did you know that no one is turned away from ShareLife-funded agencies due to inability to pay?  This is all thanks to your generosity to our annual appeal. It is through your support that ShareLife agencies are able to help the most vulnerable in our community and around the world.

Please give at the parish using a ShareLife envelope, online through our parish website, or at



"Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love." Send forth workers into your vineyard.

If God is calling you his vineyard call for you, contact Fr. Matthew McCarthy at 416-968-0997. or visit