Advent wreath 2 candles lit

2nd Sunday Advent - Year C

已發佈 : Dec-05-2021

The weeks of preparation for Christmas is an opportune time for cultivating a spirituality of waiting.  The characteristics of the one we await affect the character of our waiting. Jesus is the loved one whose coming we await. And so joy and hope-filled anticipation are to characterize all our Advent days and nights.

Today’s scripture selections make it clear that the coming of Jesus should prompt even more than joy and hope in us.  Because he who comes is justice and mercy personified (Baruch 5:1-9, 1st reading), our waiting for him must be marked by similar justice and mercy.  Because he who comes is the very salvation of God (Lk 3:1-6 gospel), we who await him must give ourselves over to the work of salvation.  Paul clearly understood this, as is reflected in his prayer for Philippian converts (Phil. 1:3-6,8-11, 2nd reading); therein, he expresses the wish that his readers be found rich in the harvest of justice.  He also prays that they might learn to value the things that really matter while awaiting the coming of Christ.  Today’s Paul’s prayer and the coming Christ challenge our values and priorities, and they challenge us to be renewed in our efforts in the cause of justice, mercy and salvation.

How can we, who await a just and merciful and saving Lord, live in constant preparedness for his coming?  Author Walter Burghardt, offers five suggestions:

1 - Allow the words of scripture to take hold of us.  The word we read and study must be the word we pray, and the word we pray must be the word we live.  We should consent to be transformed, consumed and directed by it.

2 - Be converted by the heart, mind, will and spirit of Christ, who is justice, mercy and salvation.  This means loving as he loved, serving as he served, living as he lived and, when necessary, suffering and dying as he suffered and died.

3 - Help and serve others in their need, without any consideration of deservedness.  Jesus wanted his followers to understand that justice is not simply about giving others what they can prove they deserve.

4 - Recognize poor regardless of their monetary status and attend to their needs.  The term “poor” should include not only the economically disadvantaged but also lepers, widows, orphans and sinners.

5 - Let justice be a lens through which we see all of reality; for justice means fidelity to all our relationships – with God, with one another, with the world.

May infant Jesus help us live justly, mercifully and peacefully with all others through him, with him and in him.