
Homily “Reflections on Christmas”

已發佈 : Dec-23-2020

Christmas is knocking on our souls’ doors once again. Its message is not only an invitation, but also a challenge to all of us.

Many people are looking for real love and joy. Joy is to make other people joyful.  We all wish to taste Christ to a greater or lesser extent; to feel Him as a friend, as a brother, as a father who descended to earth so that He can lift us to the heavens with His love, despite our “dirty” selves and our spiritual inadequacies.

We need to understand that for the last 2020 years Christ has been right here, next to us, with us; in everything we do and everything we would like to do:

  • in the smile that we give away with sincerity.
  • in the tear that runs down our cheek over someone’s burden.
  • in the plate of food that we offer heartily.
  • in the kind word of consolation, we whisper.
  • in the simplicity, warmth and thought for the others.


 From all these, we understand that no one can approach God unless he passes through man.

Christ was born in a manger to show that He does not live in man-made and majestic churches, but inside every heart which has been cleansed from passions and evil.                                               

Are we going to cleanse the manger of our souls, so that He can live there?


My Brothers and sisters in Christ, this Christmas will be a difficult one. Not only for the people who have suffered or suffering due to the virus but for many of us who we are struggling with many things every day.

Only when Christ comes inside our soul, and the rebirth of our soul has been attained, only then, will our soul, become a “Temple” of God.


  • Let us invite Christ inside us to warm us.
  • Let us forget about the cold, which is plentiful in our lives; the cold of injustice and rejection; of judgmental attitude; the deep freeze of ego and egotism.
  • So, what is the purpose of Christmas ? 
  • Christmas is a time for celebration
  • A time for salvation
  • A time for Reconciliation 

Remember, if Christmas isn't found in your  heart and mine, we won't find it ,under a tree.

Let us make this day a special one.

Christ is born! Glorify Him!


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


Fr.Constantin Siarapis (Prof. Emeritus)